Wednesday, April 15, 2020

What is Ath-Thawheed

From Adam (alai) to Holy Prophet (sal) all the prophets who came to preach Thawheed. (which is the oneness of Allah)

Meaning of the word Thawheed comes from the word Wahada, which means Wahid, the one.

In Islam, we have to accept only Allah as the one true God. We should obey Allah, this is Thawheed.

The word Thawheed could be explained in the following manner.

1. Allah is the creator of everything. He is the owner of everything. He is the provider and the ruler of the world. The belief in the above is very important.
"Allah is the creator of all things, and he is the guardian and disposer of all affairs to him belongs the key of the heavens and the earth: and those who reject the signs of Allah, it is the who will be in loss" (Surah Zumar:62-63)
2. We should worship only Allah.
"Not an apostle did We send before thee without this inspiration send by us to him: that there is no God but I; therefore worship and serve me." (Surah Anbiyah:25)
3. Allah is the absolute,(complete) who has no fault or shortcomings.
"Say: He is Allah, the one and only; Allah, the external, absolute; He begets not was he begotten, and there is none like unto him." (Surah Ikhlas:1-4)

Thawheed is very important and the facts given below confirms it.
  • The Holy Quran says that all prophets accepted Thawheed and invited people towards Thawheed.
  • To further emphasize the importance of Thawheed, Allah has mentioned about this in many lines and surahs of the Holy Quran.
  • For good deeds to be accepted Thawheed is an essential condition.
  • For those who do not accept Thawheed, Jannah has been made haram for them.

In short, we should worship only Allah and be subservient to him. All things are created by Allah and controlled by him without any fault and these are made visible to us showing reasons and proof for us.

As a result, let us understand the meaning of the word Thawheed and practice accordingly by being obedient to Allah.

Author: F.Shamra Samsudeen

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